Consulting Services

Vector Energy Solutions provides a multitude of consultation services. We apply our deep understanding of business, environmental stewardship, project planning and implementation best practices to evaluate opportunities to enhance the efficiency of your operations.


Energy Audits

Vector Energy Solutions specializes in Investment Grade Analysis of your Commercial and Industrial facilities’ energy using systems. We provide detailed auditing services focusing on individual systems and equipment, as well as comprehensive facility evaluations that will identify all energy and cost saving projects. We work collaboratively with your team to ensure we are evaluating critical pain points that cannot be deferred, discretionary measures that save energy and costs, and blue sky projects that reduce emissions and increase your operations independence.


Climate Action Plans

Vector Energy Solutions has a wealth of knowledge and experience evaluating the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions produced by your company. Emissions are produced by multiple sources that include facility energy use,  transportation related to the company fleet and private commuting. We apply proprietary tools to evaluate and baseline your total emissions, referred to Carbon Dioxide equivalent (CO2e). Next we carefully study your operation to pinpoint the emissions source. From there we develop a construction grade implementation plan consisting of mitigation scenarios that group projects based on their relative Cost/MTCDe reduced. The final Climate Action Plan functions as an honest road map for your organization to achieve carbon neutrality.


Budget and Capital Planning

Vector Energy Solutions applies our knowledge of project development and construction costs to help facility owners with planning and budgeting for capital and maintenance projects. Many organizations find themselves paying more for projects than the budget allows. We manage your risk by providing up to date construction grade costs and timelines for capital and maintenance projects. Additionally we are experts in securing outside funding streams like utility incentives and federal grants. These financial solutions are often used to leverage the implementation costs of additional scopes of work resulting in your dollar going farther, and enhancing the return on investmemt.

Operational Financial Analysis and Reporting Tool Kits


We work with businesses from multiple sectors to establish business reporting and profitability analysis that dives deep into a company’s financial efficiencies. VES will consult with your company and establish data acquisition and data analytics work flows and tool kits that evaluate Key Performance Metrics and Indicators not analyzed by the standard business accounting systems.


Utility Bill Analysis

On average a company can save 10% of their annual utility cost by correcting utility billing errors. In addition to using utility bills to establish energy and emissions baselines, we also provide comprehensive evaluation of your utility bill rate schedule and costs to ensure you are being charged correctly for your energy.


Water Efficiency Audits and Projects

Water conservation is equally important as energy conservation. We provide comprehensive water efficiency audits for all types of facilities, process systems, and irrigation. Our solutions are customized based on your unique facility characteristics and plumbing configurations.